The democratic system of government was designed to provide every Citizen an opportunity to participate in sharing the American Dream – “To Own a Piece of the Rock.”

An exhausting twenty four hours of passionate, thoughtful speeches concerning the relationship with their Far Eastern-Mother Country, men of goodwill meeting in Philadelphia 1776 narrowed their objections and agreements down to five basic concerns which became the foundation on which the Governing Document for the New Nation, the United States of America, would be developed. Those objectives were recorded and published as the Preamble to the Constitution. The concepts are powerful, yet simple:

  1. 1. To Establish Justice.
  2. 2. Insure Domestic Tranquility.
  3. 3. Provide for the Common Defense.
  4. 4. Promote the General Welfare; and,
  5. 5. Secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Posterity.

The system has worked in the interest of those who have managed to secure and retain political power. Others have found, the best way to achieve the common “Dream” is through joint-venture or community sponsored cooperatives where the Owners are the Users and the Users are the Owners! The concept is valid! -It works!

If you or your group are looking for assistance in organizing a housing co-op in your area, the National Association of Cooperative Housing is a “good” place to start searching. The Center for Cooperative Housing, based in Bridgeport, CT is a nationally recognized non-profit housing provider, with Trustees and other professional Associates located in key parts of the country. CCH has recently joined hands with Waste Technologies to create more employment opportunities for members of families of modest income in or near targeted cities or locations committed to creating affordable neighborhoods for all people.